Sermon Video


Evangelist John Bishop of God Is So Good Ministries contracted aseptic meningitis, October 1995. Due to unusual circumstances, he completely lost his memory. He had to learn to walk, talk, read and write all over again. He still lives in tremendous pain. He started God Is So Good Ministries to help other hurting people. You can find out more at Brother Bishop’s website >

Brother Bishop preached for us four times in a weekend and was such a blessing. These messages have been archived on Google Video so that hurting people all over the world can hear God’s love and God’s message from God’s messenger.

Evangelist John Bishop at Wilson Creek Baptist Church – 2006-09-09
Evangelist John Bishop at Wilson Creek Baptist Church – 2006-09-10 Sunday School
Evangelist John Bishop at Wilson Creek Baptist Church – 2006-09-10 AM Service
Evangelist John Bishop at Wilson Creek Baptist Church – 2006-09-10 – PM Service